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Our Vision

How life pans out, both now and in the future, is determined by how we think and act. The earth doesn't care how we treat our environment, including our fellow human beings. Our blue planet will surely continue to rotate for billions of years to come. But we humans mustn't be indifferent to the fate of our earth and its inhabitants. 

Social and ecological challenges are great and create completely new fields of demand. Saturated markets are a thing of the past, and now it's time to set out into the future with new ideas and be one of the first to actively shape it. For us and the planet. Because successful products need one thing more than ever: innovative ideas.

From our current trend studies, we know that innovation has become a relevant purchasing argument, especially for the affluent Gen Y target group. Regardless of whether it helps us to cope well with the global tasks that lie ahead or whether it simply makes life more pleasant and enjoyable. Future-oriented innovations or innovative advancements all have one thing in common: they offer a recognizable, user-oriented added value. Only by being accepted by the market new products can establish themselves on a long-lasting basis.

We also see that consumers associate the term "innovation" spontaneously with the chance to solve problems. And this is precisely what can provide answers to important (social) questions and thus ultimately bring relief and relaxation to everyday life. Many consumers want to actively contribute to shaping the world in a future-proof way.

With the annual Lifestyle Innovation Awards, we want to support companies and product developers in highlighting their needs-oriented products among the variety of offerings and thus setting optimal buying incentives. In addition, we offer a unique award concept to support successful positioning and marketing: if required, we place the evaluation of the participating products in the hands of the consumer, i.e. your end customer! This way, you'll receive a wealth of valuable market information and consumer insights. For a successful future design!

Welcome to the Lifestyle Innovation Award!

Stephan O. Hansch Unterschrift
Stephan O. Hansch
Managing Director LifeCare.Network UG
Stephan O. Hansch